SIS Integration:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is SIS Integration?

Student Information System (SIS) Integration is our automated import technology that pulls data from your organization's SIS into AwardSpring on a scheduled basis. Imported data is utilized for applicant matching and qualification and ensures accuracy of student data in AwardSpring. 

How does it work?

We work with your IT department to schedule the transfer of a CSV file from your SIS to our Secure FTP (SFTP) server. We import this file into your AwardSpring site once daily. This creates and updates student accounts.

What can be imported?

Any response to a qualification or question can be imported, allowing import of virtually all data. All import files must include, at minimum, the student’s unique ID, email address, first name, and last name. Imports should not reuse student emails, usernames, or student IDs over time.

A common import file might look like this: 

Number First Name Last Name Email Address GPA Major Grade Status Credit Hours EFC Phone Number
A1111-11 Jane Doe 3.73 Physics Junior 61 3500 (555) 555-1234
B2222-22 John Doe 3.74 Theater Senior 93 4000 (555) 555-1235

How should fields be formatted?

Our system performs minimal validation of the data being imported.

However, some fields do have required formats: 

Data Type Format Notes
Date 2015-01-01 Standard UTC date format YYYY-MM-DD
Phone (555) 555-5555 Phone format is recommended
Numeric 3.45 Data must be a valid decimal or whole number

Certain fields in AwardSpring require valid responses. For example, the Major question has valid responses of Math or Biology so only Math or Biology responses should be imported. If the data does not match a valid response (for example, Physics was listed in the file as a student’s major), the import will fail for the entire row and the AwardSpring team will be notified of the failure.

Fields that can accept multiple data points may be separated by a pipe (|) character. Biology|Chemistry is an example of a double major. 

How should we format our files?

Imported files must comply with RFC 4180 ( which defines the proper format for comma-separated value (CSV) files. This includes proper field encapsulation and escaping. File names must not include spaces. 

Can AwardSpring integrate with my SIS?

Yes, AwardSpring can integrate with any system capable of generating a CSV file. 

Do I have to use Single Sign-On (SSO)?

We strongly recommend pairing SIS Integration with SSO as this will provide a superior experience for you and your users. However, SSO is not required for SIS Integration. 

Can I change the format of the file after initial setup?

Yes, so long as you are not in the middle of an award cycle. We will need to work with your IT team to update the import process. 

Is anything special required of me?

Yes, you need to work with your IT team to build the CSV export and the necessary scheduled job to transfer the file to our servers. The generation and transfer of export files must be entirely automated. 

What happens if something goes wrong with an import?

Our team monitors the automated import process and will work with you and your IT team to resolve any errors that arise. 

How long does SIS Integration implementation take?

Total configuration takes usually adds 1-2 months. This is due to the time needed for you, your IT team, and AwardSpring support to accomplish the following tasks: 

Task Owner
Determine data fields to import Scholarship Administrator/IT Staff
Create export file IT Staff
Test and rework of export file AwardSpring/IT Staff
Configuration of AwardSpring AwardSpring/IT Staff
Review imported data Scholarship Administrator
Schedule automatic transfer of export IT Staff

How does SIS Integration change the student application experience?

  • Login: Student accounts are created for each imported record and applicants will need to set their AwardSpring password by clicking the “Retrieve Password” link on the login page.
  • Account registration for prospective students: This must occur through a special prospective student portal.
  • Data visibility: Once a data point has been imported, the question and response(s) associated with that data point will no longer be displayed on the student’s application. However, that data is used for scholarship matching. 

Commonly imported Fields:

Data Point Frequency Example
First Name Required Jane
Last Name Required Smith
Email Required
Student ID Required AS-1238459
Username Very Common jsmith
Phone Very Common (555) 555-5555
GPA Very Common 3.72
Street Address Very Common 123 Main St. Apt 105
City Very Common Chicago
County Very Common Cook
Major Very Common Biology | Chemistry
Credit Hours Very Common 36
Ethnicity Very Common African American
Gender Very Common Female
Country Common United States
State Common Illinois
Current Enrollment Hours Common 12
Academic Status Common Incoming Freshman
EFC Common 5512
Date of Birth Common 1985-05-08
Currently Enolled Occassional Y

Tasks for your staff before (and during) implementation:

  • Determine data points to export with scholarship administrator
  • Transfer first draft of the CSV to AwardSpring SFTP server
  • Revise the export file as needed during implementation
  • Enable automated transfer of file before 07:00UTC each day 
Learn More About SIS Integration

Have more questions or want to get started?

We want to know your needs exactly so that we can provide the perfect solution. Let us know what you want and we’ll do our best to help. 

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